Our solution is to help both No.1 and No.2 licensed companies expand market size with more qualified properties and bigger pool of new cutomers
Both the 2 companies even the one holding 2 licenses can sign up to join our TREEX liquidity pool. Depending on the needs of each projects, No.1 companies can invite selected No.2 companies to raise fund with and pay them commissions. All the processes are designed automated in order to save time and cost.

how this feature works
Only allow accredited companies
Our application process & selection is transparent and trustworthy. We select verified and growing businesses to join our TREEX liquidity pool. To register, the companies need to provide legislation documents and precise company information. Our compliance officers work hard to ensure bringing in the best and the most accredited companies to the pool.
Automation Payments
All deposits, withdrawals and payment reports are automated via popular payment gateways in Japanese market. Our main core system currently is integrated with GMO gateway, but if you prefer other ones, just let us know, we will analyze and bring out the best solutions for you regarding technics, operation and cost efficiency.